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Men's Portrait Gallery

In contrast to the 1840's, the 1850's reflected a marked preference for bolder styling particulary seen in frock coats with wider lapels and looser cuts. Waistcoats became fancier with bold patterns and metal buttons. In the early part of the decade, gentlemen wore extravagant, heavily starched, assymetrically tied cravats, which subsided later in the decade to reflect softer styling. At the beginning of the decade many gentlemen wore their hair parted on the side styled with an extreme frontal wave on top, but once again this subsided toward the end of the decade.

To recreate this look, you can choose from any of our Victorian Frock Coats, and pair with a dress vest. The look can be finished off with a Puff Tie or an Ascot.

Family Portrait

Family Portrait

With the (apparently) three generations represented in this photo, it is easy to see how styles were interpreted differently based on age. The young gentleman on the right has a wonderful example of the strongly horizontal cravat that was considered stylish.  While the gentleman standing on the left reflects a more conservative, centered tied style. All three display low cut vests which display their fine white dress shirts.

Opera Singer

Opera Singer

This opera singer highlights the sartorial preferences of stylish gentlemen during the late 1850's. Most notable is his fancy silk vest with a bold pattern and metal buttons.  This reflected the general exuberance in clothing during the latter part of this decade.  His frock coat has a wide velvet collar and turned up sleeves. His hairstyle is typical of the time with a high part and brushed smoothly down. His cravat is tied as a soft silk ascot.

Victorian Businessman

Victorian Businessman

This conservative businessman has the fashionable, highly starched cravat that was common in the 1850's. Note the assymetric, very horizontal bow with the high collar above. His suit has a relatively loose cut through the arms and is the conservative black or dark brown common in that day.  His outfit is very subdued, punctuated only by his pocketwatch chain.

Victorian Family

Victorian Family

This family portrait shows an affluent family that has an appreciation for fine clothing.  The gentleman in the fore wears a loose fitting frock coat with a finely patterned shawl collared vest. The younger gentleman's trousers reflect the popularity of checks and patterns common during the 1850's.  Men often wore mismatched check patterns of different sizes and colors. This young man has a large fold down collar over a loosely tied cravat and a lovely, fancy shawl collared vest.  Very dashing.

Want to learn more? Visit our 1850s Mens Fashion Guide.

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