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Western Leather Holsters for Smith & Wesson Revolvers

Smith & Wesson offers a full line of Revolvers which work well with our western holsters. S&'W K-Frame revolvers are popular with our customers, and have been found to work well in our holsters. If this is the style of revolver you carry, check our instructions on holster sizing, then click one of the links below to get the right holster for your specific model.

ModelCaliberBarrel Length 
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver.357 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver (.357)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 17 Revolver.22 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 17 Revolver (.22)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 25 Revolver.45 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 25 Revolver (.45)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 27 Revolver.357 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 27 Revolver (.357)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 27 Revolver.357 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 27 Revolver (.357)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 29 Revolver.44 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 29 Revolver (.44)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 29 Revolver.44 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 29 Revolver (.44)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 48 Revolver.22 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 48 Revolver (.22)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 57 Revolver.41 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 57 Revolver (.41)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 586 Revolver.357 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson Model 586 Revolver (.357)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.22 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.22)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.22 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.22)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.357 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.357)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.357 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.357)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.45 cal4 - 6"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.45)(4 - 6" barrel)
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers.45 cal6 - 8"Browse Holsters for
Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolver (.45)(6 - 8" barrel)
Smith & Wesson Model 36AnyAnySorry, not compatible
Smith & Wesson Model 629.44AnySorry, not compatible
Smith & Wesson J Frame Snub NoseAnyAnySorry, not compatible
Smith & Wesson L FrameAnyAnySorry, not compatible

Questions? Just Ask!

If you do not find your pistol listed, or if you have ANY questions about sizing or holster compatibility, please Contact Us and we will be glad to help!

Getting the Right Fit

Holsters come in a wide variety of sizes and styles, so it's important to get the measurements correct for a good fit. For single action replica revolvers, the pistol's caliber and barrel length are key to determining which holster to purchase. Additionally, and just as important, you need to measure yourself correctly to ensure you get a gunbelt that will work for you.

revolver barrel measurement

How to Measure your Revolver's Barrel Length

Measure from the face of the cylinder all the way to the end of the barrel, as indicated here.

Our holsters are offered in two lengths: Standard length holsters, which fit pistols with barrels from 4 - 6 inches in length, and long holsters, which fit pistols from 6 - 8 inches in length.

Click one of the links below to browse holsters designed for specific size pistols

holster diagram

How to Measure Your Hips for a Gun Belt

Measure your hips at an angle, as shown in the diagram here.

If your measurement falls between sizes, round up to the nearest even number.

Our gun belts are sized in inches, and each belt has a range of + / - 2 inches from the labeled size. It is VERY important that you measure yourself for your gun belt.

DO NOT just select your jeans size, or you will very likely end up with a belt that is too small.

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